• Tong Tji Redesign Project

    Ok! the main concept of redesigning this TONG TJI tea, is simple, I took the main color of tea's leaf which is GREEN. And bcos it's grape flavor, I simple added grape's object in the middle. Since the lecturer told me to redesign something that Tong Tji never had before, so I made this.
    dou kanaaa.....? komentoshite ne!

    2 comments → Tong Tji Redesign Project

    1. Meguuu wakakakkaka... Mo ganti layout tho?? Emang sih seringnya ada layout yg kodenya ga bsoa dipake entah krn ada salah apanya lah, kurang ini lah, belum ditutuplah,,, cih..

      yg rai pake dr Pyzam.. just search it in google [keyword : PYZAM BLOGGER LAYOUT].. I forgot what's the complete address TT~TT
      Klo dr Pyzam, mestinya sih bisa deh..

      Rai baru tau ada PV eraser jg baru bbrp hari ini kok.. Trus ngeliat semuanya keren gitu di caps-nya, whuee langsung ngebet donlot... Tpai akirnya malah gagal terus2an.. Saya berusaha seharian loh megu TToTT Akirnya hari ini sukses jg donlot tu PV dua2nya xDD
      senang hatikuw..

      Trus, iya Eraser yg rambut Shou abu2 hohohohoho...

    2. Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

      - Johnson

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